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Finland, Helsinki


Finland, Helsinki

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Hotel Haven tarjoaa lämminhenkistä kodikkuutta, eksklusiivista viihtyvyyttä ja korkealuokkaisia palveluja vaativimpienkin vieraiden makuun. Hotellin 137 yksilöllistä ja hyvin varusteltua huonetta sekä korkealuokkaiset aamiais- tilaus- ja kokouspalvelut odottavat sinua kauniissa Kauppatorin miljöössä. Hotellin yhteydessä toimiva tunnelmallinen Restaurant Haven tarjoaa hotellivieraille tasokkaan aamiaisen ja toteuttaa myös brunssin, huonepalvelun, kokous- ja juhlatilaisuuksien ruokatarjoilun. Hotel Haven on osa Kämp Collection Hotels – konsernia.

Nyt etsimme tiimiimme kokoaikaista APULAISRAVINTOLAPÄÄLLIKKÖÄ

Toivomme Sinulta aikaisempaa kokemusta ja näyttöä menestyksellisistä esimiestehtävistä ja mahdollista monipuolista osaamista korkeatasoisesta kansainvälisestä hotelli- ja ravintolatoiminnasta. Arvostamme erinomaisia asiakaspalvelu-, yhteistyö- ja vuorovaikutustaitoja, oma-aloitteisuutta sekä hyvää organisointikykyä. Olet kohtelias ja tehokas, osaat hoitaa monta asiaa samanaikaisesti etkä hätkähdä kiireestä, pystyt reagoimaan nopeasti vaihtuviin tilanteisiin. Omaat hyvät esimiestaidot ja olet aidon kiinnostunut huolehtimaan henkilökunnasta ja toimimaan esimerkkinä tiimille. Olet tulostavoitteellinen ja innostunut uusista ideoista. Työssäsi tulet olemaan läheisessä yhteistyössä myyntipalvelun ja ravintolatoimenpäällikön kanssa, ja toimit tarvittaessa myös ravintolatoimenpäällikön sijaisena.

Tarjoamme tilaisuuden työskennellä ja kehittää ammattitaitoasi yhdessä pääkaupunkiseudun kiinnostavimmassa hotelli- ja ravintola-alan konsernissa nuorekkaiden, osaavien ja persoonallisten ammattilaisten parissa. Kämp Collectionin ja Strawberryn monipuoliset henkilökuntaedut tukevat laadukasta vapaa-ajan viettoasi. Heräsikö mielenkiintosi? Lisätietoja tehtävästä ravintolatoimenpäällikkö Eeva Holopainen  Hae tehtävää täyttämällä sähköinen hakulomake ja lähetä hakemuksesi mahdollisimman pian, viimeistään 1.12.2023 mennessä. Paikka täytetään heti sopivan henkilön löydyttyä! 

Hotel Haven is an elegant and stylish boutique hotel by the South Harbour and the Market Square in Helsinki. Hotel Haven’s 137 comfortable and spacious hotel rooms, its versatile meeting facilities, the bar, the three high-class restaurants and a gym provide luxurious experiences for any and all tastes.

What’s in it for you?

As part of of Strawberry, you will get the best employee benefits of the industry.

A culture to cherish

A culture to cherish

Our people always make guests their top priority! Our warm and welcoming atmosphere creates the right setting for you to flourish and work your magic. You will get the freedom you need to perform your tasks and solve problems as they arise in the best way you see fit. A strong team spirit and family-feeling foster a culture of collaboration. And when there’s something to celebrate, we make sure to have some fun! In larger cities, we also regularly host after-work events to allow colleagues to mingle. How do we achieve all this you may wonder? We believe it’s down to the fact that we’re a diverse crowd full of energy, courage and enthusiasm. That’s how we create extraordinary experiences every single day!

A culture to cherish

Job security for peace of mind

Job security for peace of mind

When you work with us, we’ll take your whole life situation into consideration. We offer good job security through collective agreements and insurances, as well as paid parental leave, holiday leave, wellness allowance, attractive pension plans and competitive salaries. We’re there for you.

Job security for peace of mind

Room to grow

Room to grow

With more than 200 hotels across the Nordics, we offer you endless opportunities for career progression! Would you like to work full-time, part-time, a few hours here and there, or perhaps only a season? We have room for you, no matter where you’re at. We encourage creativity and curiosity, and we make every effort to foster a culture of learning for professional development. Ready to take your next career leap within the company? We applaud you and will help you achieve this! An academic degree isn't the most important thing for us. If you have the right mindset, we can certainly promise you a bright future!

Room to grow

Explore more

Explore more

We encourage you to get out and explore all that life has to offer! So, we always give numerous discounts to you and your friends and family at our hotels, bars and restaurants. As part of Strawberry, you get four FREE nights at our hotels each year* To remind you just how important you are, we’ll always do our best to offer you an upgrade! And on top of that, we’ve also partnered with other companies to give you sweet deals on air travel, charter holidays, car rental and lots more. 

*If you are employed on a contract for at least 20% of full-time working hours.

Explore more

Open mind, open hearts

Open mind, open hearts

Our heart beats for the world around us. To meet global challenges, we support the transition to clean energy, and we recently opened the first zero-energy hotel in the Nordics. We seek to use organic produce and have championed the elimination of unsustainable palm oil. We promote equal rights above all and are proud sponsors of Pride. Regardless of your ethnicity, gender, religious beliefs, disabilities or age - our doors are always open.

Open mind, open hearts


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Life at Strawberry

Meet Wilma - Chef Trainee

Meet Wilma one of our chef trainees. Read her story and get an insight into what possibilities that come with a chef trainee position.
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Jasmina, youngest Barception Manager with Strawberry and Realgymnasiet partnership

In an exciting partnership, Strawberry and Realgymnasiet in Sweden celebrate a significant achievement. Jasmina Ben Mohamed, aged 21, has recently become the Barception Manager at Comfort Hotel Solna in Stockholm, making her the youngest person to hold this role at the hotel! : Jasmina started ...
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Embracing diversity - for a better life and future

Here at Strawberry, we understand that for our employees to feel seen and heard, we actually need to listen to what they have to say. For that very reason, we set up an internal Diversity Advisory Board in 2023 to set the ball rolling for strategic decision-making at Strawberry and provide ...
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Farewell to reference calls with digital checks

In order to find the best talent in the industry, we need to work smarter, faster and more digitally! One part of this includes using digital references within our recruitment processes within Strawberry. We believe that the digital reference tool Refensa, raises the quality of our data-driven ...
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How we built a cross-functional tech & product organization

What happens when you invite fifty people into a room and ask them to form four new teams? And with the twist, that everyone can decide themself. Will the gloves come off? Will chaos ensue? Not at Strawberry! It was a pretty magical experience for us, we felt the power of self-organization ...
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We raise our game within Mental Health & Wellbeing

Here at Strawberry, we have always placed great emphasis on the mental health and wellbeing of our employees, and now we are going to raise our game even further! Find out about what we are doing to support Marius, who is returning to work despite his mental health challenges. And what we are ...
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All over the Nordics & Baltics

Be it a vibrant city, a tranquil island or a charming little town in the mountains, you’ll probably find one of our hotels there.

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